
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Bang & Jangle Radio Hour, Episode 5: Tom Waits' Long Shadow

Billy's Band
Last night on the show, I featured artists from around the world who have been influenced by Tom Waits. There just wasn't time to play everything I would've liked, but we still managed to cover Canada, the States, Finland, and Russia. Here's the playlist:

Tom Waits - Misery Is the River of the World
Friendly Rich and the Lollipop People - Grapefruit League
(excerpt) Tom Waits - Straight to the Top (Rhumba)
Tuomari Nurmio & Alamaailman Vasarat - Paavi Roskapankissa
(excerpt) Tom Waits - Sins of My Father
Billy's Band - Muz Zambela (?)
Man Man - Engwish Bwudd

Before Tom Waits was a legend himself, he took some cues from pretty incredible musicians. I'm thinking next week maybe we should look at the people who influenced him. That should be a fun one to put together...

The Bang & Jangle Radio Hour airs Tuesdays 9:00-9:30 on Trent Radio, 92.7 in Peterborough, online at

Season 5, Episode 5

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